A physician prescribes a prescription for a non- controlled schedule prescription with “prn” refills. For what period of time is the prescription valid?
1 year from the date the prescription was written
A noncontrolled prescription with “prn” refills may only be refilled up to 1 year from the date the prescription was written.
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S Korpal
3 years ago
The explanations that went with the answers were really helpful. Definitely helped me pass the exam
Fati Hakeem
3 years ago
Learning with this app helps alot.
3 years ago
Nothing on this is on the testi.i got 100 % on the test and practice test on this app but when I took my final none of this was on the test. Waste of time
S Korpal
3 years ago
The explanations that went with the answers were really helpful. Definitely helped me pass the exam
Fati Hakeem
3 years ago
Learning with this app helps alot.
3 years ago
Nothing on this is on the testi.i got 100 % on the test and practice test on this app but when I took my final none of this was on the test. Waste of time