In addition to choosing the correct entity, which of the following decisions must be made at the time an intravenous drug is being chosen during a computerized order entry system?
All of the above
Computerized order entry systems require the correct diluent, the correct dosage, and the correct dosage form be selected when intravenous medications are being entered.
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S Korpal
3 years ago
The explanations that went with the answers were really helpful. Definitely helped me pass the exam
Fati Hakeem
3 years ago
Learning with this app helps alot.
3 years ago
Nothing on this is on the testi.i got 100 % on the test and practice test on this app but when I took my final none of this was on the test. Waste of time
S Korpal
3 years ago
The explanations that went with the answers were really helpful. Definitely helped me pass the exam
Fati Hakeem
3 years ago
Learning with this app helps alot.
3 years ago
Nothing on this is on the testi.i got 100 % on the test and practice test on this app but when I took my final none of this was on the test. Waste of time