Taking any exam, especially one that qualifies you for your profession, may be nerve-wracking. The PTCB exam may appear daunting due to the application price and the delay to repeat the test if you fail! You may be wondering if the PTCB test is difficult.
So, is the PTCB exam hard? The PTCB test is difficult for some people, while it is simple for others. Your score will be determined by your level of knowledge, the amount of time you spend studying, whether you are a good test taker, and the randomized questions you are given.
Read more about Comprehensive PTCB Study Guide
We don’t suggest taking this test unless you’ve spent time studying the material. Fortunately, we’re here to guide you through the process of studying and taking your test step by step. We’ll go over what the PTCB test is, how hard it is, what materials are included in the exam, and more in this post!
What is the PTCB exam?
The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (or PTCE) Exam is taken to get the certification. In most areas, being a pharmacy technician necessitates certification. Even in places where certification isn’t required, becoming a qualified pharmacy technician will improve your chances of landing a job and progressing in your career.
Is the PTCB exam hard?

The difficulty of the PTCB exam depends on a number of factors, including your test-taking skills, how much you’ve studied, and the questions you’re given. From 1995 through 2020, the average pass rate for the PTCE was 72 percent. In the year 2020, 70% of test-takers will have passed the exam. You shouldn’t be concerned if you study first—and we’re here to assist you with that!
The PTCB exam’s 90 multiple-choice questions are randomized, so each test taker will get a different set of questions. You could get lucky and just be asked questions that are simple to answer, or you might be questioned about your faults. Because of the random selection of the exam, preparation is even more important, as you want to be ready for everything that may appear on it.
The following fact to be aware of is that 10 of the 90 questions will be unscored. This implies that it makes no difference whether you answer the questions properly or wrongly; your test score will not be affected. During the test, however, you will not be aware of which questions are unanswered.
You’ll have two hours to complete the exam, including five minutes to read the instructional and five minutes to complete the survey.
Can you retake the PTCB test?
Yes, you may take the PTCB exam again! You must wait a certain amount of time before reapplying, as follows:
- For a second try, you have 60 days.
- For a third try, you have 60 days.
- A fourth try will take six months.
Before you may retake the test after the fourth try, you must show proof that you prepared for it. However, you are unlikely to reach this point! You can take the exam as many times as you like as long as you can afford to pay the application cost each time.
How to pass the PTCB exam?
It’s critical that you prepare for your exam ahead of time. You must be prepared to answer any question that is posed to you.
This isn’t an exam you’ll be able to study for and then pass the night before! Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your study sessions.
1. Be aware of the test’s content
On the PTCB Exam, the following topics are covered:
- Medications (40% of exam questions)
- Patient Safety and Quality Assurance (26.25%)
- Order Entry and Processing (21.25%)
- Federal Requirements (12.5%)
These subjects are given in the order in which they are most frequently asked about on the test. Though you must be proficient in all four categories to pass the exam, it makes sense to dedicate more time to studying drugs than the federal requirements—after all, you can’t pass if you answer 40% of the questions incorrectly! Get more information with our blog about What Is The PTCB Passing Score?
When studying, you’ll probably want to break down these concepts even further to make them less broad and overwhelming.
2. Study, study, study!
It’s time to study now that you know what will be on the test. However, don’t go in blind!
To get started, choose which research approach works best for you. Do you gain knowledge better when you read, listen to what is said, write it down, or make a chart? If you’re not sure, try different learning strategies, and feel free to combine them! Try our online learning guide if you need some help with your studies. ABC E-Learning will teach you all you need to know about the PTCB test, provide you with hundreds of practice questions and a study guide for each part following the clear exam structure to help you prepare:
3. Put your knowledge to use
Finally, you must apply your knowledge to ensure that you retain what you have learned.
To test yourself on each exam topic, try making or purchasing flashcards. Make sure your flashcards are up to date, then quiz yourself throughout the day with random cards.
We recommend that you maintain your cards on you at all times. This way, if you have free time, you may put it to good use by studying!
Try our free PTCB practice test that includes questions from prior examinations if you’d like a more realistic testing experience.
4. Don’t forget to take breaks
Studying all day might appear to be useful, especially if you’re cramming shortly before an exam. Short study periods spaced out over time, on the other hand, can help you learn more effectively.
Don’t overwork yourself, and remember to take care of yourself in between study sessions. Sleep, water, and a well-balanced diet can assist you to concentrate throughout your study sessions and during the test.
Finally, believe in yourself—you can do it!
Obtaining certification as a pharmacy technician is a significant achievement. It’s the end of late-night college study sessions and the start of a rewarding pharmacy career. However, you must pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) test before you can call yourself a CPhT. Now you know the answer to “Is the PTCB exam hard?”. While the PTCB may be difficult, proper test preparation will make all the difference.
If you want to get more information about PTCE Test, visit our website and take our free PTCE practice test to easily pass your exam, or download it for your IOS or Android devices now!
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